New Building Update

The new building project is moving right along with significant progress made since our last update. Here are some of the highlights:

  • The OCHC new building committee met several times and has submitted a final draft of where each program will be located in the new building as well as the number of offices/workstations needed.

  • Decisions are being made on how to address OCHC’s future growth plans and how to build out the top floor of the new building. Stay tuned for future updates on this topic.

  • The building committee is working with the city of Glendale on the number of parking spaces required by zoning. Some options that have been discussed include creating some parking spaces under a portion of the new building as well as exploring options to purchase land to the west of our building. Please continue to watch for future updates on this topic.

  • Groundbreaking for our new building is anticipated for early fall.


Outreach Community Health Centers 2018-2023 Strategic - Plan Progress Report


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