Community Services
We offer a variety of programs to address the needs of individuals facing housing instability, behavioral health challenges, and other crises. Through professional referrals, our Comprehensive Crisis Management (CCM) and Targeted Case Management (TCM) programs provide personalized support from a dedicated team of case managers and specialists, helping clients stabilize and access long-term services.
Our Benefits Acquisition team helps clients navigate Medicaid and SSI/SSDI, while our Street Outreach program connects individuals experiencing homelessness to housing and support services. Additionally, PATH and Rapid Rehousing programs work to transition individuals and families into stable housing with ongoing case management and resource connections. These services reflect Outreach’s commitment to fostering stability and well-being in the community.
Programs and services under the umbrella of Outreach’s Community Services Division are part of what distinguishes Outreach Community Health Centers from other area Federally-Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) in the community. Although Community Services programs may come with some restrictions regarding who qualifies for service, all are open to anyone in the community – regardless of where they receive health or behavioral health services.
Outreach’s Community Services programs are intended to be dynamic and responsive to community needs as these arise. Some have been around since our beginnings, while others have been established in more recent years as the needs of our community have changed.
One thing all Community Services programs have in common is that each is offered free-of-charge to those in need. Most receive financial support through one or more governmental programs, but virtually all also require some level of charitable support from the community to endure.
TCM/CCM Case Management Services
The CCM program is a comprehensive crisis service designed to support individuals facing significant behavioral health barriers. Clients are referred by Milwaukee County following a detailed assessment to determine whether CCM or TCM care is the right level of support. Upon entering the program, clients receive immediate assistance from a dedicated team consisting of a case manager, crisis stabilizer, and a mental health professional. The goal is to stabilize critical areas such as connection to medical providers, housing instability, heightened behavioral health symptoms, trauma, and lack of access to therapy.
Throughout their time in CCM or TCM, case managers provide personalized, client-centered support. This includes connecting clients to behavioral health providers, monitoring medication, accessing AODA services, developing life skills, intervening in crisis, and linking them to resources. In CCM, clients may be seen multiple times a week to address urgent barriers. After transitioning to TCM, visits are reduced to biweekly, focusing on long-term concerns. Our approach ensures services are tailored to each client's unique needs, with the ultimate goal of promoting independence and addressing both behavioral and physical health challenges in their recovery.
Benefits Acquisition
At Outreach Community Health Centers, our Benefits Specialists are highly trained professionals who are dedicated to providing our clients with the most comprehensive resources possible. They conduct thorough assessments on a case-by-case basis to determine the resources and programs our clients are eligible for. This includes all Medicaid Programs, the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace, and FoodShare Benefits.
The Benefits Department also houses SAMHSA’s SOAR Program, an intensive initiative designed specifically for individuals living with mental health issues, who are also at risk for homelessness. It is focused on assisting eligible individuals in applying for SSI/SSDI benefits.
Housing/Homeless Programming
Street Outreach is the longest-running program at Outreach Community Health Centers. It is considered OCHC’s “boots on the ground.” The program provides hygiene, food, and basic necessities to individuals experiencing homelessness. It consists of two full-time and one part-time outreach worker.
Street Outreach can be found under bridges, in homeless encampments, park and ride areas, and other reported congregate areas where homeless individuals sleep. Every Friday morning, our Street Outreach team is out from 2 a.m. to 8 a.m. seeking individuals experiencing homelessness. Once an individual has been seen sleeping outside, this opens the door for shelter and other Milwaukee County housing programs. If you are experiencing homelessness, please contact Impact 211, who will connect you to a street outreach team.
Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) consists of a therapist, case managers, and outreach workers that help individuals, couples, and families experiencing homelessness achieve self-identified goals that will lead to stable housing. PATH team members connect persons experiencing homelessness with long-term community support, public benefits (FoodShare, health insurance—Medicaid and marketplace insurance, SSI/SSDI application assistance), emergency shelter, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing in collaboration with community partners, obtaining free food and clothing, and mental health treatment. The program’s goal is to help people experiencing homelessness eliminate barriers that keep them from successful long-term housing by making connections to income, housing, and supportive services.
Rapid Rehousing consists of case managers, a youth advocate, a rental specialist, and a resource specialist. All team members strive to provide affordable and accessible housing solutions to homeless individuals and families. Rapid Re-housing provides short-term rental assistance and services. The goal is to help individuals obtain housing quickly (within 30 days). Increase self-sufficiency, stay housed, obtain Income, benefits, mental health services, and Primary care. The resources and services provided are tailored to the needs of the individuals. This includes locating housing, long-term affordability, in-home resources, and child services. These services are offered without preconditions. For more information on entrance into the Rapid Rehousing Program, please contact Impact 211.
Meet the Community Services Team
Candace E. Coates, LCSW